Annular Bop Packing Element(FH28-21)

BOP part name: Packing element, shear ram, pipe ram, blind ram, variable bore ram, top sealing, front sealing, bonnet, piston, shell.

The packing element for Annular BOP has special type and taper type. The packing element is combined by the main body which is made up of the independent innovation rubber based polymer alloy material and the high strength metal frame, which conforms to the USA 16A, SATM D412, D624, D2240 and D471 standard. It is suitable for the drilling work on the oil field, which shares a high cost performance comparing to the other same type packing elements.

BOP Size and Working Pressure Spherical Sealing Element Size
OD(mm) ID(mm) H(mm)
71/16″-5,000psi FH18-35 478 189.5 219
9″-5,000psi FH23-35 616 242 290
11″-3,000psi FH28-21 703 296 284
11″-5,000 psi FH28-35 703 290 319
11″-10,000 psi FH28-70 755 310 344
13 5/8″-5,000 psi FH35-35 810 360 368
13 5/8″-10,000 psi FH35-70 833 360 365
18 3/4″-10,000 psi FH48-70 1104.4 525 502
20 3/4″-3,000psi FH53-21 982 545 400



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