HSE Policy
Quality Policy
All-Petro’s quality Policy is to constantly foster “Customer First” and “How to do it better” attitude in all employees. All activities should meet “Customer Satisfaction” at optimum cost. The continual improvement of Quality Management system is of utmost importance.
HSE Policy
All-petro Industrial & Supply Co. is committed to ensure a safe, healthy and environment friendly workplace. To fulfill this commitment we:
- Give Health, Safety & Environment equal status with the company’s other business objective and integrate them into all aspects of its workplace.
- Work actively to continuously improve health, safety and Environmental performance.
- Adopt and implement all applicable rules, regulations, legislative requirements to provide and maintain a safe and pollution free working environment.
- Mitigate Environmental pollution, health and safety hazards with adequate training and facilities for all employees.
- Encourage personnel to be individually responsible for identifying and eliminating hazards, preventing injury to themselves and others, and report workplace hazards.
- Reduce number of accidents and loss to property.
- Extend and promote Environment, health & Safety requirements to all interested parties.
- Conserve natural resources, minimize waste and control pollution.
- Review all objectives & targets periodically on Environment, Health & Safety Management system for continual improvement.
- Hold supervisory management accountable for ensuring promoting a safe and healthy workplace and protection of the environment within their areas of responsibility.